I came to see James because I was suffering from major trapezius myalgia. After the very first session, the pain was gone and never came back to the same degree. The following nine sessions changed me profoundly, on a physical and emotional level.  Yes, emotional!  Not only did his work alleviate a physical pain, it also facilitated my emotional wellbeing. Today I am pain free, more flexible when I do yoga, able to mediate, and be more in-tune with my body.  Thank you, James!

Maria Villani, M.D., M.B.A.

Villani Medical Group, Newport


The demands pro football places on the body would be difficult for the average person to imagine. After years of college and professional play, I was starting to feel pretty battered. Thanks for straightening out this body of mine. I feel great!

William Blackmon, NFL

Green Bay Packers, New York

Giants 2012 Super Bowl Winner

The aches and pains that had accumulated in my body over the years have diminished greatly as a result of James’s work—far more than everything else I’ve tried. James is not only a very talented Rolfer, but a kind and sensitive health professional with whom you will immediately feel at ease.

Linda Lifur-Bennett, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical and Educational

Psychologist Lake Forest,


A BIG KUDO to you. A few days after our last session I realized I was walking normally!!! I don’t know what you did or why things happened the way they did, but my walk was very nearly normal for the first time in over three years!!  Woo-hoo!!  Can’t wait to come in for my next session. “Expect a Miracle” is true after all. 🙂

Ross Ridenauer

VP & Chief Nuclear Officer,

Parsons Technology

Former VP, SCE & Chief Nuclear

Officer, San Onofre

Commander, USN (ret.)

I chose James over other Rolfers in the area because of his Advanced Training and knowledge. I wasn’t disappointed. Not only did I receive superb Rolfing from James, but it was a pleasure to converse with regarding matters of health and life in general.  I can now play the sports I loved to play as a kid with my own kids despite my recent knee surgery.  Thanks, James!  Keep up the good work!

Roy Pollisco, Ph.D.


Author of Superior Soccer;

Superior Volleyball; and Superior

Table Tennis

James, count me in as a “Believer-After-Just-One-Session”!

  •  I had no back pain
  •  My hip felt more normal than it has since my injury in May
  •  My neck was looser than it has been for years
  •  The range of motion of my back was improved
  •  My chest expanded more easily for deep breaths
  •  My right leg seems straighter

I know I have a long road ahead to really get my body performing at potential, but today was definitely a step in the right direction. Just thought I would send this short note to say thanks for your help!

Kevin Scott, Ph.D.

Irvine, CA

Hi James, I have to say I haven’t felt this good ever (that I can remember) I have literally no pain in my body anywhere! I’m looking forward to my third session with you. My sister Heidi will also be calling you for an appointment.

Sasha Baker, Massage Therapist

Anaheim, CA

Dear James, I want to thank you for your fine work. You are a master of Rolfing! I look forward to seeing you the next time I visit the United States.

Professor Jin Shengua

School of Psychology

Beijing Normal University

Beijing, China

Hi James, I just wanted to share with you that I’ve made real strides (pardon the pun) since last seeing you. At first I thought perhaps Rolfing didn’t work for me as I was still having some fatigue if I attempted to wear certain shoes or do certain exercises; but recently I was invited to a birthday party and went shopping for shoes and was blown away that I could wear high heels shoes with minimal discomfort or fatigue. For most of the past 10 years, this wasn’t even an option. I’m pleasantly amazed at what I’ve achieved with your help. Just wanted to say thanks so much.

Joy Marshall, R.N.

Laguna Niguel, CA

Ever since I’ve been getting work from you, my body is so aware of things I could not even imagine before. For example: My senses have enhanced, my legs are on fire with the proper blood flow, I’ve now started to walk like a well-oiled machine or like the terminator… Thank you once again for what you’ve done. I can’t wait for the next session!!!

Chris Wayland

Owner, SomaticWork, San


Hi James!  I just wanted to tell you how much I am benefiting from your sessions. My arm that felt so mangled for so long and really feels improved—something all the other therapies that I have tried failed to do.  Looking forward to my next session.  I thank God that your healing hands have found my aching body.

Mark Simmons

Costa Mesa, CA

James, I just wanted to tell you I feel great! Rolfing is a perfect complement to my Pole Fitness & Muay Tai Kickboxing workouts. You are very knowledgeable in manipulating where things should go. Rolfing will definitely keep me younger! I have been meaning to write a Yelp review, & will do so in the next week. In the meantime, feel free to give my email as a reference to any potential clients who have questions regarding Rolfing. Have a great day!

Irinne Chauchereau

Aliso Viejo, CA

Hey, James, just wanted you to know I feel fabulous!!!  Session #5 was a major turning point, but #10 brought it all home. For the first time in two years I feel like “me” again.  Kudos to you!! Many many thanks.

Nancy Bailey

Mission Viejo, CA

I’m just halfway through the program and already I feel like a different person! People who haven’t tried this don’t know what they’re missing.

Mary Redwine

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

James, please post this on your website. People need to know! In October 2008, I woke up with tightness in my jaw that began spreading throughout the rest of my body. From that day forward, I began a long, painful and very expensive journey to fix whatever was wrong and get back to a normal life again. Like most people, I started with my primary care physician, who referred me to neurologists, dentists and TMJ specialists, and then chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists and so on. I was questioned, examined, poked, prodded, massaged, given tests, had my teeth ground down, shown exercises and so on, but nothing worked and I was reaching a point where I could barely function at work and risked losing my job. Finally, I called James. After one session, I felt already relief and each session thereafter my condition improved. I’ve now completed nine sessions. (Today is my tenth!) The pain is gone and I’m once more going to the gym, loving work and my family, sleeping like a baby and enjoying life like I used to. This has been a miracle. I am so grateful! Thank you, James!

Diana Anderson

Corona, CA

James, after being assaulted in ’97 and the two car accidents, I was in so much pain that I could hardly concentrate. The $15,000 to $20,000 I’d spent on doctors, physical therapy and specialists of every kind provided no relief. I can’t tell you how much better I feel. I literally owe you my life. My sciatic pain is gone. The migraine headaches are gone. I’m alive again!

Brad Aspin

Costa Mesa, CA

Just got out of the pool. Not only is the pain gone, but I’ve more power & range of motion that I’ve had in 20 years. This is awesome!

J.D., Laguna Niguel, CA

Wow! After months of intense chronic pain that left me nearly disabled, the pain vanished after one session. I tossed my pain medication the next day and people were commenting on the change in my posture. I tried every treatment available and was beginning to think I was condemned to a life of misery. The best part, though, is my kids. They said, “Daddy, we’re so happy you can play with us again!

S.G., Lakewood, CA

I can’t understand where people get the impression that Rolfing is painful. I actually enjoy feeling my body change and the results are fantastic.

I.L.., Dana Point, CA

As a runner suffering from sciatica and hamstring problems, I decided to come see you. Within a few sessions I was able to move much more easily. I now feel terrific and my feet are tracking straighter without me having to think about it. I’ve come to appreciate the importance of balance in my body and this knowledge is still growing. It’s amazing how quickly the body and one’s attitude respond.

H.W., Newport Beach, CA

I wanted to quickly report that after that one session, the knee problem that plagued me for over a year is gone and hasn’t returned. I work out daily and consider myself in good physical shape, but the knee pain was a real issue. Don’t know what you did but it worked. I’m making arrangements to get down there and do the full 10 sessions. I think my whole body needs this.

J.V., Westwood, CA

I felt better after the first session. I had more energy at the end of the day and the nagging sciatic pain has been 90 % relieved! Additionally, the soles of my feet which were always stiff and aching are noticeably more comfortable.

J.K., Dana Point, CA

The biggest change since Rolfing is my breathing. Before I had to work to take a deep breath. Now my lungs fill up naturally. In addition, my posture has improved—I have more of an arch in my lower back and my shoulders stay back naturally. One more thing…Rolfing isn’t nearly as painful as it’s rumored to be.

T.C., Aliso Viejo, CA

As a yoga practitioner, I can assure you you’ll be seeing more of us as word gets around. Most of us are attracted to yoga partly in search of relief from some form of discomfort. After the first session, I already felt physical relief. Your work on my neck and shoulders felt like you were awakening muscles that I had no idea existed and it seems to have alleviated whatever was causing my headaches. I’ve had much more restful sleep over the last 2 nights.

S. G., Lake Forest, CA